Copper Peptides
There are just some weeks my skin hates me, and a lot of people have been describing this phenomena with the stress of the lockdown. I was waiting to open this bottle until I’d used up another serum (#1empty1newbie) but desperate times call for desperate measures. Enter the healing help of copper peptides! While the results aren’t instant, my skin was less inflamed and finally seemed to start healing by the next day!
Spices Starter Collection
I shared about this spice company last week, but found this collection to be the perfect wedding gift for couples just stocking their kitchen!
Facing the Darkness
My bro B says it’s always an appropriate time to watch this movie (he’s a nurse with Samaritan’s Purse so he might be a little biased ;-) but it especially was impactful during this pandemic. It made me admire those who go into the fire to help others even more, and made me thankful that though COVID-19 is horrible and is taking many lives, it could be so much worse! The doctor who ended up contracting that disease reminds that audience that it wasn’t his faith that saved him. It was his faith in God that led him of putting his life at risk to help others, and it was God who saved him through people and crazy “coincidences” – all glory to Him!
Earl Grey Decaf

I’m just as surprised as anyone to be an earl grey convert! Granted I’ve gotta have some stevia and cream added, but it has become my afternoon drink of choice which requires the “decaf” to be necessary. So tea aficionados, which brand is the best??

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