April 12, 2013

Behind the Scenes | The Big List

I love organization. Binders, post-it notes, label makers, oh my! But while I’ve gotten great at downloading and making lists, my time management skills are…well, let’s just say it’s a constant growing point!

So I tried all the helpful apps like Teux Duex, Trello, and Things (notice the Trend??). But there’s just something about writing a list on a piece of paper and being able to cross it out that’s just so motivating! Yet I was still feeling overwhelmed by all I had to do and wasting time going between different lists and projects.

As the new year rolled around, I wanted to set up new systems that would help me organize my life that much more to make the best use of my time and actually get things done! Working from three different pieces of paper while wondering what happened to that fourth random list was no longer cutting it.

Enter: The Big List.

It’s so simple that I wonder why I didn’t think of it myself! Whenever I have a project, or really anything that must be done, I write it down all in one notebook. It’s a continuous list, all in one place. Then each night I grab a post-it and list out everything I want to accomplish the next day, selected from The Big List. Some day it’s more, some less, depending on the day. Everything from exercising to getting ready to what emails I need to write are on that post-it note. Then each night I go back to The Big List, cross out what was accomplished that day, and create a new post-it.

Duh, right?! Trust me, all of a sudden that thing I’ve been putting off becomes so urgent when it’s the last thing left to cross out on my post-it note! Call me easily motivated, but I’ve got to end here so I can go cross “blog post” off today’s list!

FILED IN: personal

comments +

  1. Emily says:

    Such a good idea! I’m a list person too. Mainly because I love the satisfaction of crossing things out. :) Maybe I’ll give this a shot.

  2. Lydia says:

    Let me know how it goes, Emily! My biggest tip is to pick a cute notebook because you’ll be looking at it every day! ;-)

  3. mblaira says:

    yes, sticky notes are my friends. my family teases me about the stickies i put up all around the house. =)

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